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The Power Of Perspective: How Brad Burton Transforms Lives And Businesses

Step into the dynamic world of Brad Burton, a passionate motivational speaker and successful entrepreneur who has made waves in the business world. Known for his electrifying keynote speeches and hands-on mentoring, Brad’s journey is nothing short of extraordinary. From starting with a simple idea and growing it into a multi-million-pound venture, he’s proven that with the right mindset and determination, anything is possible.

With over 20 years of experience and a track record of transforming businesses and lives, Brad Burton is not just a speaker, he’s a game-changer ready to help you unlock your full potential. Join us in this captivating journey as we uncover Brad’s inspiring story and discover how he can empower you to achieve your own success

  1. Can you tell us a bit about your early life and what inspired you to become a motivational speaker?

I was always the class clown, an entertainer, I suppose. I wasn’t physically strong, but I was, in retrospect, quite charismatic. People would often come to me with their problems, and I’d always offer a solution with confidence. That’s something that has followed me throughout my life. I think it’s because I’ve always had a natural ability to connect with people, to make them feel heard and understood. Even back then, I realised that a little bit of humour could go a long way in making someone’s day better or helping them see things from a different perspective.

  1. Were there any particular challenges or experiences in your youth that shaped who you are today?

I was raised by my mum as a single parent. With my dad out of the picture, I had to figure out a lot on my own. Being the man of the house from a young age shaped who I am today. We lived on council estates, and my mum juggled multiple jobs just to keep us going. It wasn’t always easy, but those experiences taught me the importance of resilience and determination. Growing up in that environment, I quickly learned that life doesn’t hand you anything—you have to go out and make things happen. These early lessons stayed with me. I learned to be resourceful, to adapt, and to push forward no matter what obstacles came my way. It’s the mindset that has carried me through every stage of my life, personally and professionally.

  1. What motivated you to start your business mentoring page, Work With Brad?

It was about bringing it all together. I was known as a motivational speaker, but people often reached out to me for help with their businesses, writing books, training for stage presentations, handling nerves, decision-making, and increasing sales. Work With Brad is about unifying all those elements. It’s a one-stop resource where people can tap into the full spectrum of my experience and skills, getting personalised guidance to overcome their challenges and achieve their goals.

  1. Can you share some of the key principles or philosophies that guide your mentoring approach?

One of my core principles is to focus on what we can do right now with the resources we have. I like to use the ‘one, one, one’ approach: What can we accomplish in the next day, week, and month to tackle the challenges we’re facing? I also believe in making decisions quickly, which is where my ’24, 24, 24′ method comes in. If I can’t decide within 24 seconds, I give it another look in 24 minutes. If it’s still not clear, I’ll revisit it in 24 hours. If no decision is made by then, I consider it unimportant and move on. It’s all about making complex things simple.

  1. Could you give us an overview of the services you offer?

My services cover everything from keynote speeches and one-on-one mentoring to team building, mindset coaching, decision-making, and more. I’m not just a motivational speaker; I’ve spent 20 years growing a business from the ground up into a multi-million-pound success. In a nutshell, I’m a brain for hire, ready to help others achieve their goals.

  1. How do you tailor your mentoring programs to meet the needs of different clients or businesses?

Well, one size doesn’t fit all, but there’s never been a problem I couldn’t help improve. I have a series of tools I’ve developed, but what matters isn’t what’s in my toolbox, it’s the results we achieve. I’ve got a 100% success rate, and I offer a full money-back guarantee if clients don’t feel I’ve moved them forward. In 20 years, no one has ever taken me up on that offer.

  1. What are some of your proudest achievements in your career?

There are many, whether it’s delivering keynote speeches to an audience of 3,000 accountants, writing four successful books, or launching my business, 4Networking, which many people doubted would succeed, I’ve consistently proven the naysayers wrong. What started as an idea with little outside support grew into a powerhouse that hosted 68,000 business networking meetings across the UK. These are significant achievements, especially for someone without formal qualifications. My journey is a testament to the fact that you don’t need to follow a conventional path to achieve extraordinary success.

  1. How do you plan to evolve and stay relevant in the ever-changing business world?

I stay relevant by sticking to my core principles and keeping a close eye on what’s happening in the market and the world around us. I constantly ask myself, “What does the world need right now?” During the pandemic, for example, I launched the ‘We Are The Cavalry’ campaign, which helped people stay focused and motivated during tough times. I’m always evolving, embracing new trends and challenges, but I make sure to stay true to who I am and what I stand for. It’s about balancing innovation with authenticity, so I can continue to provide real value to the people I work with.

  1. What are your future goals for ‘Work With Brad’ and your career as a motivational speaker? Are there any new projects or initiatives you’re excited about in the coming years?

I’m really excited about TeamMaker. In 2025, I’m opening it up to others through a licensing model. People will have the opportunity to be trained by me, work with a proven business model, and use my intellectual property to become part of the team. The TeamMaker network is launching next year, and I can’t wait to see it grow.

  1. Is there any piece of wisdom you’d like to share with our readers?

If there’s one piece of wisdom I’d share, it’s that everything starts with mindset. Whether it’s your life or your business, approaching it with the right mindset is key. When we focus on changing our mindset first, that’s when real transformation happens. Shift your mindset, and you’ll see your life and results change in ways you never imagined. It’s the foundation for everything else.

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