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A company in Dubai: Prestige and economical choice. Interview with the co-creator of the project, Max C. Meder

Dubai is not only about beautiful weather and luxurious hotels. The economic system in the second safest city in the world is currently one of the most attractive in the world. Maksym Meder is the co-creator of the project, responsible for the marketing team and product expansion to the Dubai market.

Leaders Magazine: Until now, you have mainly dealt with political campaigns. Where did the idea for the “A Company in Dubai” project come from?

Max C. Meder: Experience in political campaigns has allowed me to develop mechanisms tested on a wide range of recipients. As a result, projects in which we used tested marketing mechanisms have always proved to be successful. My friend and an excellent attorney is responsible for adjusting the interests of our clients to operate on the Polish market. On the other hand, our team in Dubai runs all the legal documentation and logistics for the registration of a business entity in the Emirates. I, together with the marketing team, offer to introduce our clients business to a new market. Everyone brings something different to the table, which allows us to create a unique and competitive offer.

Leaders Magazine: You mention proven mechanisms for introducing new projects to the market. What is this strategy about?

Max C. Meder: There are some psychological dependencies and mechanisms that influence the behaviour of buyers and their needs. We use a strategy that affects the client physically and psychologically. This concept has proved successful in many international campaigns and guarantees the client an effective market entry. Imagine you want to launch a new apple juice in Dubai. Where should we start? According to the research, 60% of respondents pay attention not only to the price but also to the appearance when choosing a product. That is why it is so important that our product is visually attractive to the customer. Note, that we only deal with the substance of the product after we see it first. Of course, if we have a valuable product – our apple juice is made from organic apples – it will be our additional advantage. However, note that usually, the customer is not in direct contact with the substance.

Leaders Magazine: You have also mentioned the psychological impact. It is said that psychologists are
currently the best sales specialists.

Max C. Meder: The psychological influence on the client is undoubtedly the key to success. We should start with the human factor, i.e. try to develop such an image of a product with which we have an emotionally positive feeling. We can do this, for example, by associating our apple juice with the figure of a celebrity, or even his recommendation.

Leaders Magazine: What if we have a completely new product and we don’t have a 20-year history yet? Should we

Max C. Meder: First of all, as the world of politics shows us, nothing stands in the way of writing your own history from scratch. However, more seriously, we can always write an image of our story, for example through emotional spots which, instead of advertising, are a mini-document presenting the stories with which the recipient identifies himself.

Leaders Magazine: What amounts should the client be expected to have to enter a new market and operate, for
example, in Dubai?

Max C. Meder: Investment in advertising is something that I especially warn all my clients against. We can spend a lot of money on billboards, advertising on the Internet, and we won’t see any profits. Of course, the traditional form of advertising will not hurt. However, I always recommend my clients to choose such a way of reaching the client, so that with the lowest possible risk, they get the best chance of reaching the recipient. Plus, without putting all your assets on the same scale.

Leaders Magazine: My mom makes the best apple juice, but there are already a dozen similar juices on the market. Do I have a chance to breakthrough?

Max C. Meder: The market situation, or simply competition, is one of the first aspects that should be analyzed. Perhaps, in a market with thousands of apple juices – you should think about grape juice, which is also good … after all, more similar to wine. However, you should not give up automatically. An important factor is a widely understood brand, i.e. the quality and experience of our company, as well as the characters behind the product. It is hard to find a better example than a bitten apple that spawned a new religion of believers changing their phones every year. The power of this brand can be checked by the number of comments from the defenders of this faith at each premiere of a new phone.

Leaders Magazine: The customers of the “Dubai Company” project will therefore have not only legal and
administrative support but also marketing support. Can you guarantee the success of the customers
who contact you?

Max C. Meder: If all the factors I have presented work like clockwork – we have a guaranteed success of the company or the product. When creating a team of marketing advisors, we focused on the experience of experts from the USA, Latin America, Spain, the Netherlands, but also Dubai and Poland. We offer experience and a global view of the product. It’s important to go beyond your own boundaries and beaten paths. Our form of cooperation differs from the standard one. We always try to develop a relationship with the client at a partnership level of mutual benefits.

Max C. Meder – President of ‘Ministry of Business’ PR&Marketing Agency. Involved in political campaigns for seven years (local government elections – 2014, 2018; european parliamentary elections – 2014, 2019; parliamentary elections – 2015, 2019; presidential elections 2015, 2020). Image manager for individual clients, sales products, and overall projects. Ghostwriter, producer of a music album, co-founder of an online academy, manager of online training courses, Creative Director of a Law Firm.
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